Carpooling and Transit Options

Xpress Transit
Xpress, operated by Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL), gives commuters throughout the metro Atlanta region a valuable transportation option and improves the capacity of Georgia’s most congested highways. The 27 routes in 12 metro Atlanta counties carry more than 1.8 million passenger trips annually, providing workers with reliable, stress-free commutes to and from major employment centers in Downtown, Midtown, and Perimeter Center.

Commute Options
Georgia Commute Options can help you find a carpool or vanpool partner or even provide an emergency ride home. If you’re looking for a carpool or vanpool partner to share the ride, click here to register.
If you are a carpooler, with Guaranteed Ride Home, you can get up to 5 free rides home or to your car from work each year if an unexpected emergency occurs.

Transit Options
Metro Atlanta has convenient and safe public transit options to get you from point A to point B. Whether you want to ride a bus or train, you have plenty of options to help plan your trip. Georgia Commute Options has links to all the region’s transit providers.