Real-Time Toll Rates

The Georgia Express Lanes allow commuters to avoid traffic gridlock throughout the Metro Atlanta area.
There are four Express Lane facilities: I-75 South, I-75 Northwest Corridor (NWC), I-85 Express Lanes and I-85 Extension. Knowing the Real-Time Toll Rates for the Express Lanes empowers individuals with the needed information to decide if they want to use the lanes during their commutes.
Please click on a map to see the relative real-time toll rates for each of the Metro Express Lanes. Hover over the toll rate signs to view relative real-time toll rates. Images refresh every second.

I-75 South Metro Express Lanes

I-75 South Metro Express Lanes

I-85 Express Lanes

I-85 Express Lanes

Northwest Corridor Express Lanes

Northwest Corridor Lanes

I-85 Extension Express Lanes

I-85 Express Lanes Extension
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